artist Statement.

Their Are A lot of things You Can Photograph My favorite Thing To Photograph Is people and Friendship. 
I like to photograph things that seem interesting.
I Have Been Taking Photos For Three Years. 
My Favorite Artistic thing To Do Is take Pictures. 
I Grew up In Concord. And I Live In Concord. I Live With My Parents And With my Little Brother. 
In My Spare Time I Enjoy To Draw. 

I enjoy drawing because i decide what i get to draw. i get inspired wen i see nature and cartoons.
I have been drawing for 4 years. i enjoy drawing more the photo. but i do drawing in my free time. i have lives in concord for 15 years. i was born in martinez. i have a small family. i draw enything that comes into mind.. i like going to the park and drawing enything that seems interesting for me. my family is really supportive.